Saturday, November 19, 2005

This Road.

As I stumble upon the path I traverse,Much is unknown about my destiny,A short journey it may be,But it's experience; contradictory,

Fall, I may,Rise, I will,Though bleed my limbs,Heal, they will,

Guided by the spirit,I am lead to paths unimaginable,Along this road; surprises and adversities,Both similar in reason, profound in substances,

Leading to Growth; the change of being,
Finding solace in places I'd least expect,Comfort slips into the shades of my soul,Leaving behind a mark of assurance,Astounded, I am left,
Though this road be short and narrow,I'd choose it over the wide and easy one,For the spirit guides my feet,And the Word; a lamp upon my path,
On this Road that I Travel....


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