Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Lady Wisdom (her heart bleeds)


She stared at me with those eyes; eyes that sees past hopes and fears,
Past all the imperfections; to the my genuine being.

And all I could think of is the awkward silence that stands between us,
I thought from this moment I could flee, but to no avail,
She left me on my knees.

As the wind gently danced around the corner of her cheeks,
I began to wonder why she didn't stop there,
With those eyes she had a hold on me,
Fear, Anxiety; neither of which I felt,
Rather, I felt free,

Irony caught me by surprise,
Her captive, I was;
Yet freedom I felt, beyond words,
Freedom to; Freedom from,
Liberation; though it wasn't what I deemed it to be,

"Oh Lady Wisdom, leave me be,
Rather I'd live in darkness than in light,
Blind to the needs of others;
To the knowledge of this blight,
Where suffering is imminent,
And despair fills the air.
In the cold darkness of the night"

"For all I see is death; of little ones dying,
My heart bleeds from the sight of this,
Violent pangs of agony clench my being,
No longer am I able to bear,
So leave me be,
to be on my way,
alone rather I'd be".

Then her eyes began to bleed,
shedding tears of red,
For what she saw in my being,
was something.... was someone.... it was me....

Are we all blind?
Can't we see?
or rather,
Is this way we choose to be...

-JEremy Wong

1 comment:

ADDY said...

Seek the truth and it will set you free man!! What is the truth? No one but you your self can answer that!!Lets self LIBERATE!!